GloLightly Artist Den is a multi-media gallery operated by artist Glorie Melo with a focus on watercolor and gouache. This studio is the utmost example of small, as Glorie works solitarily with only her cat Binx as company. His input is limited to which art supplies are suitable cuddle buddies.
Most items are available for purchase, and #myjourney will be here to navigate and explore through blog posts, links to Facebook and Instagram pages, and introspective writing and art pieces. Welcome to the adventure!

I was born in Harbor City, California, but my heart belongs to my hometown of Bath, Maine. Growing up I struggled to find my passion and school wasn't helpful in that regard. Even in art class there was no spark, just the ever looming intimidation of not being as talented as my peers. Time brought more hardships, loss, and confusion. I was lost and sad in a way I didn't understand.
And then, one miraculous night in June of 2015, a close friend took me to MUSE Paintbar in Portland, Maine, and my world changed irreversibly. I had an outlet, at long last! I put the brush to canvas and felt truly alive. This night of painting changed my life trajectory, it gave me purpose and hope.
This new expression hasn't erased my troubles, of course, because hardships are simply a part of life. However, my new perspective is that of realization, growth, and eventual healing and happiness.
If my work is helpful to anyone, even if it just helps alleviate some worry and pain, makes you feel a little less lonely, what a wonderful thing! At the very least, it's helped me, and I needed it. Everyone needs help now and then.